Sunday, March 28, 2010

What about hapiness?

I was reminded this week as I did some more recording in the local recording studio about my attempts to get my driver's license. Recording can be like that. While you must be relaxed and in the zone, you are trying so hard not to make a mistake and such a mistake can come on the very last note of the song. I remember thinking I had past my driver's test, I think I was even waving to my sister who watched on the sidelines, only to be told later I had gone through the last stop sign. You see I was so excited that I had successfully negotiated the parallel parking and the three point turn - all in a big boat of a station wagon, that I lost sight of the finish line. My joy stole my concentration. Yes recording is like that. You have to get all the way to the end, with no mistakes - all while trying to stay relaxed and not think to much.

Concentration is still so important on today's road with today's cell phone drivers. It's also important to stay calm when late and not speed. As I sped up Route 1, late for my volunteer assignment in Daniel's kindergarten class, I slowed down too late after I saw the police cruiser on the side of the road. Yikes! I was going 70 mph in a 50 zone. Can you say big bucks? Not to mention the fact that I would now be very late. As I compiled my registration, insurance, license - I conceded defeat and waited. Suddenly I heard a knock on my window, and lowered it. "Galen McGovern, hi!"

I was stunned and had no idea what was going on. The policeman must have observed my confusion. "My son Harris is in Daniel's class." Oh. I didn't even know this man's name though I had met him once. He kept talking and explained he hadn't entered anything into the system about the incident. The upshot of the whole conversation was I didn't get the ticket even though I was 20 mph over the limit. We will have Harris over to play soon. Needless to say, I felt a little lucky that day and proceeded to the school - not really late afterall. The students thought it was a pretty cool story. "Did you really get pulled over?" Yes, but no ticket.

Unrelated thoughts
  • Michael went to a Bar Mitzvah and I mistakenly bought (but caught later) a Bat Mitzvah card. At the time, there were simply no alternative cards and the fact that it was pink and sparkly apparently didn't register.
  • Sanitary pads remind Doug of the old Shredded Wheat biscuits. Do they still have those?
  • Michael forgot his shorts (again) and managed to run the timed mile in something like 6 min. 15 seconds in his heavy jeans.
  • Poor Daniel had a day, a full day, of puking/fever on Saturday and said "This was the worst day of my life."
  • When Doug turned in his resignation for a job he's 'hated' for 10 years - 99% of co-workers could only assume he was leaving for more money. "What about hapiness?" I asked.
  • I ran into a friend in the graveyard with her dog and in the course of conversation she told me about a woman who she had a conflict with - the only person she's ever had a conflict with outside of her family. Well, though I tend to shy away from conflict this made me feel like I have a serious anger management problem. One conflict, ever?!

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