Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Maybe you can help me

I was browsing in the feminine, sanitary products aisle the other day at CVS when I noticed another customer browsing right where I wanted to browse. He was an elderly, energetic man who quickly seized his prey. "Maybe you can help me. I am looking for vacation-size underpants?" (I am pretty sure this is what he said).

I quickly responded, "You mean underwear?" (In a home survey, Matthew said he would have simply asked instead, "What are vacation-size underpants?" - but my response wasn't half bad).

He nodded in the affirmative and I directed him to the fine underwear selection at CVS. His wife was apparently in the hospital and they don't provide vacation size underpants there. (I am still wondering if he was looking for Depends or something else entirely). In any event, I asked him about his wife's size and he told me she was about my height. Now just between you and me I don't think height is how you figure out what size underwear to buy. I tried again, "Is she big?" I held my hands out about a yard apart. No, no she wasn't big.

Knowing that I am about a size 7, I directed him to the size 8s because most older women seem to have a little extra padding. He seemed to think this would get her through her hospital stay and he thanked me for my help.

In the disillusioned category

I just found out that Christopher Plummer did not perform his own singing in The Sound of Music. It was the dubbed in voice of Bill Lee. They had me fooled. I am still in shock.

When I remarked to my mother that a woman in our old neighborhood seemed a little odd (what I really meant was manly I think), my mother calmly explained that when she was born she had both parts and her parents had to decide if she was a boy or girl. I can't imagine. This had me more floored than the dubbed voice of Bill Lee.

What if I could wake up and do whatever I wanted? I would write/publish/succeed with an incredible book or two, develop a course, have a successful album or two, sell songs, invent things, have my own business, own real estate, travel/travel - and why not wake up and think that way?

I am feeling sad (for lack of a better word) about a new year's gathering of old college friends. It's 8 hours away . . .and I'm certain Doug will not want to go and I don't want to go alone. It would make for a harried few days. Do I simply committ to a futute gathering to make myself feel better and follow thru next time? I so want to go, but the effort is just daunting.

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