Monday, May 30, 2011

Filling up the tank

I have morphed into a well-paid typist and I was never that good of a typist. But there you have it. And I have started filling up my gas tank when it's half full. It seems less painful that way. Speaking of half full, my boss at 78 is probably driving on half full and I am travelling in his fumes. More on that next time - I promise.

Unrelated thoughts
-Seen at a landscaping store: 'Unattended children will be given a capuccino and a free puppy.'
-Seen at a pet store: 'Children should be on a lease at all times (something like that).'
-I don't have pretty feet.
-I found an orange, lilly like plant that grows v. close to the ground that smells like DUNG when you touch it. The beautiful orange leaves? emit at brown, sludgy slime that lasts all day even with washing.
-My adjustment to work has made me realize this is how regular working people feel - STRESSED. Yikes. There's a whole world of people out there who need care and patience.
-BIMBO. This was seen displayed prominently on a man's belly in Belmont, on a soccer/biking Euro-type of shirt.
-My mom's doctor died at 42. She doesn't know why but he died at home and she didn't think he had cancer. For some reason, this makes me feel justified sitting in the sun without sun screen. If I died tommorrow, I wouldn't regret one minute of sitting in the sun.
-A new dog would make me happy and make me feel like I have some control of my life ie. I can do what I want given the confines of the job. Also, it may? make Toto more relaxed with visitors.
-The reality is I can't write what I want about the job in a public forum. But if I was on unemployment, I would probably be worrying about money and bored out of my mind.
-Brillant idea for the day: A SOLSTICE PARTY. I wont' be exactly on the solstice but it will be entitled a 'Close Enough' party.
-BJ is one of those unfortunate nicknames that didn't denote what it means now when it was doled out - like 'Gay', a nickname with which I am well acquainted.
-I am focusing on what brings me joy with the confines of a new job. Because I feel more entitled. It's all good, right?

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