Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can you die of boredom?

I know you can die of a broken heart, but can you die of boredom? It occurred to me as I was sitting at my desk with very little, if anything meaningful to do - and I was reviewing my goals for my life - that I want to do something that excites me. It was an ephiphany of sorts. Something that excites me. Does getting a PhD excite me? No, not really. But the title and jobs and opportunities that I could get with that PhD excite me more. The drudgery of coursework does not - though the idea was it would give me something to do whilst I sit at work with nothing to do.

The biggest thing on my list that excites me is writing songs and my intention to sell some hits for significant money. Hobbies also excite me - parties, friends, recreation. The thought just came to me the other day - that movies excite me and re-opening the theater in downtown Wakefield would be awesome.

Sitting at work at a desk does nothing for me. It's almost soul killing. It's like an 8 hour sentence and I am let out in the yard for a half hour of exercise each day.

Writing excites me but sitting down with the ass power to write a book does not. Spending time with my husband and family is exciting, as are vacations and time off. Getting fit excites me. Making money and owning real estate excites me.

The lack of flexibility in this job is killing me. An awesome job that enthuses me excites me. Something I love and am good at with flexibility, helping others, leading projects, requiring travel, creativity and something that is useful, valuable, meaningful.

It just occurred to me. I would make a very good philantropist when I make my millions.

Buying stocks and making money excites me. Renovating aspects of the house excites me. You get the idea.

I almost think this will be my new mantra - excitement. It's no different from following your bliss. Or doing what brings you joy.

But back to work where I have the blahs big time. As my co-worker likes to say "Would you like some whine with that cheese?" I want the pay - so perhaps it is up to me to make this more exciting with a new office, flexible schedule, travel, more responsibility and a new attitude. HELP - MORE COPING SUGGESTIONS NEEDED.

Unrelated thoughts
- "He's like an annoying little brother," I said about the new puppy who constantly chews on Toto. "Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy," said Daniel (the little brother) who was within earshot. "That's not what I meant. . ." I tried to explain.

- After watching Marley and Me Daniel told me he cried. "I cried a little after Sassy died," I consoled. "This wasn't a little," he said.

- The automatic, low flush toilets go off when you walk into the stall, when you sit up to wipe, when you get up to leave. Very efficient, don't ya think?

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