Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Topedoed By A Tree

I wish I had a picture of this because one of the funniest things happened this summer. I found a beautiful black and white, barn swallow - recently dead - on the path to the beach. It looked like it literally fell from the sky. I picked it up in the palm of my hand and marveled - ignoring all past prognostications we learned as children about picking up dead animals. It was so small, I thought as I cradled it in my hand. And then, I wasn't sure what to do.

I saw a nearby tree branch, shaped like a Y and put it in the cross hairs, as if it flew in a got stuck. It was too lovely to put back on the ground.

Days later, after Daniel and I noticed insects eating out the eyes - Doug came home one morning exclaiming about two amazing sights. One: He saw a deer and her fawns frolicking along the edge of the salt pond. The fawns came complete with white spots on their rumps. Two: (This one was even more amazing) He saw a swallow that had gotten struck in the Y of a tree branch  mid-flight. He really believed this and continued on with his amazement until I said, "Gotcha." He laughed and said he was wondering how a bird could do that.

Unrelated thoughts

  • There is nothing quite as stinky as a boy in a car after a cross country meet or football practice, for that matter.
  • Shortly after I decided I would not drink alcohol Monday thru Thursdays to jump start my weight loss plan - I went to the liquor store. My plan didn't even last one day. But I thought and sang to myself, "If it makes you happy, it can't be that baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad." And the brilliant thoughts started flowing as I cracked open my first beer, "I drink, therefore I am." 
  • After seeing some teenage boys I know in their high school  band uniforms (on Facebook) I told Matt "Good call" re: not doing high school band. 'Nough said. 
  • Earlier this summer, I noticed Michael, 16,  on the beach talking to an attractive girl and I said to myself, "What are those white things?" Ah, his teeth and smiling at that.