Saturday, October 24, 2009

I laughed so hard - the boys thought something was wrong

Toto's new haircut

The idea was to try to 'save' a little money by cutting Toto's hair ourselves. After a wash and dry and comb, it was painfully obvious that spending $50 bucks at the dog groomer is well worth it. (This was even before the cutting.) Such a project can take HOURS and the volume of hair was astounding.
The $100 clippers proved fairly inadequate - it wasn't like shearing a sheep - though Doug tried as evidenced by the strip of stubble on Toto's back. You can't see it but one of his front legs is shaved and looks like a chicken leg compaired to the other. Toto is surprisingly bony.
I laughed until I cried
I can't remember what set me off, except the visual, and I don't often laugh uncontrollably anymore. But this was completely out of control, so much so that I thought I might choke at one point due to the bite of pizza in my mouth. Matthew thought I was v. upset - he couldn't understand. He'd never seen me laughing this way. Ah the proximity of pleasure and pain, love and hate. I guess that's what he was witnessing. I was laughing so hard for about 5 full minutes, that I was crying and almost choking all at once.
Meanwhile, Toto is completely unfazed by all this. And next Tuesday he will get a professional trim. Anyone need any dog clippers? - they've only been used once and I can give you a good price.
Unrelated thoughts
  • Another wrong-sided surgery at RI Hospital was reported this week. People, please if you are going in for surgery on a body part, mark it yourself with a permanent marker just to be sure.
  • 1 lump or 2? Go for 2.
  • The school crossing guard told the kids and I to have a good weekend but it was only Tuesday. Ah, to be retired

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Halloween - reverse order

3. Daniel and Toto make up

2. The sound of the claw alone terrifies the dog

1. Daniel warms up with the claw

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Flying thoughts

I guess little boys do get conscious about the importance of being buff at a young age. Daniel, still 5, had heard about 6-pack abs but instead he calls his belly a 1-pack. Now that's cute. The older boys just kind of roll their eyes in amusement.

By the way, I flew today to Louisville and Sunday is a beautiful day to fly. It's quieter than other days.

Today, on the way to the airport Daniel said, "It's my destiny to fly." Not a minor word for a kid who is still 5. He's got a destiny alright. And from the photo/post last time, my friend Nan reminded me that Daniel must not be destined to be a serial killer or a sociopath because he doesn't pull the wings and legs off the insects he catches (that I know of).

Anyway, at the airport goodbyes, I noticed that Matt, 10, was more hestitant to hug me goodbye than Daniel. Mom must be losing her cool a little.

BUT, I did get a big hug from Daniel when I brought home a Wolverine claw courtesy of my boss (long story). When I presented the boys with caramel apples that night for dessert, Daniel wondered if these too were from the boss . . . he's taken on mythical qualities.

Unrelated thoughts: I bought a black sweater yesterday at Fashion Bug for my trip. It was size XL but seemed to fit me fine even though I don't see myself as XL. But today I discovered why - you need some honkin' big breasts to fill out this sweater and it kinda droops on me now. Perhaps after a wash and dry - it'll fit a little more snugly.

Speaking of breasts, it is supposedly the 1st thing men notice. And I realized this was true the other day when Doug described an x-colleague of his as the one with the huge knockers. Meanwhile, I hadn't even noticed. Men. . .

Somewhere recently I was reading about maggots, of all things and the fact that trashmen in NYC refer to them as disco rice. Now that's funny.

My friend Carrie the painter has noticed if she's painting en plein air - people feel like they have the right to comment about her ability, speed, and what not. Kinda reminds me of when I was pregnant - out there exposed for the world to see and people feel free to make comments both good and bad. 'You look great. How far along are you - only 6 months? How much weight have you gained?' Etc. Etc. They offer opinions about almost everything from birthing to child rearing.

Sometimes it's nice to do things en closed air - anonymously.

This new book I am reading Outliers is fascinating. Alot of successful people have 1 thing in common - excellent timing and circumstances.

On a serious note, working f/t and being a mother leaves little downtime and it's stressful . . .