Coping in an office job isn't easy, especially after you have had almost
unlimited flexibility for the last 10 years.
The sitting is the hardest. Luckily being a writer, I can cope with the
Here are some of my coping strategies for office or cubicle dwellers:
1) Get up and go to the bathroom, even when you don't have to go. Otherwise your hamstrings will get very tight.
2) Take up smoking. This will provide you with regularly scheduled breaks -
depending on your addiction level, at a distance well away from your building.
3) Kill yourself (or see above).
4) Remove all clocks from the office and your wristwatch too. Can that infernal clock at the bottom right of my computer screen be removed? This sitting all day, though not as painful, is akin to childbirth in some ways. The nurses noticed I kept looking at the clock on the wall when I was in labor with Daniel. They took that clock right down so I wouldn't dwell on the time. Duh?
5) Walk at lunch, even if you don't want to.
6) Chat with co-workers, even if you don't want to or don’t particularly like them. It will help the time pass.
7) The internet offers lots of options. I did discover the stinkhorn mushroom on the internet one day at work. This can be a dangerous game . . .
8) Fake it until you make it. Pick up your feet when you walk into the building each morning. It will make a difference. I can look at myself in the shiny glass exterior. Pick up your feet.
9) Mint. Someone brought in a bunch of mint and put it out in the common area. I pinched off a leaf and smelled it the rest of the day. It made me feel better. Aromatherapy.
10) Bask in the boredom and learn chair yoga. You could get very relaxed. Note to self: Look up chair yoga.
Unrelated thoughts
"I wish Toto wasn't neutered," Daniel said. "Why?" "Duh, so we could have puppies." When I explained we would still need another dog, he asked about the neighbor’s dog 'Harry' -"Is Harry a girl?" "No, Harry is a boy name. I've never heard of a girl named Harry," I explained. "Well it could be short for Harriet," he said thoughtfully.
A new puppy reminds me: There is a lot of joy in life – chasing tails, nibbling on new, older brother’s ears, latching on to new older brother’s tail, clumsy gangly puppy legs, little puppy hops, puppies chasing bees/flies/things that blow in the wind like leaves or the hair I just cut off his back, soft puppy fur, complete devotion, and this puppy besides being so darned cute seems so happy.
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