It's never too early to set goals. In fact, in a flurry of cleaning I found two index cards with Matthew's goals listed. Now I can't remember all of them nor do I want to reveal his secrets but he had two tiers of goals - immediate and future. The more immediate goals included a new green mountain bike, a better than minimum wage job, and a girl friend. The farther reaching goals also included a girl friend, a nice house, a good career, children. You get the idea.
When I came across these cards I realized that we had something special on our hands. Very special. Who writes goals when they are 11? He does and I am certain he will achieve what he desires.
Daniel recounted the best days of his life:
- Being born
- Getting to know what a dog was, because when I was a baby I didn't really know.
- My first day with a friend
Michael's secrets for living
- Smile at jokes even if you do not think they are funny
- Get 9 hours of sleep.
(That's it - very simple)
Daniel's technique for knowing when he needs to bathe
"I put my fingers in my armpits and smell them."
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